Kokoro connect - 01
At first I didn't even bother to look at this, but I want to follow the new animes
and look whats good and bad so. This was odd tho, dunno how to say it but..
it was a shool-life, weird and slow anime, but it was kinda interresting in the end there..
It wasn't magic, it was something like...phenomenon-thing? That accidently happends to four of them.
I fell for this cute one, Kiriyama-chan~~.. ♥
*Ugh* I didn't just now NOT hear an old
mans pervert voice in my head...
mans pervert voice in my head...
OH GOSH...!!
Be gone old mans pervert voice in my head!
Kiriyama reminds me somehow of Inoue-chan in the anime Bleach?
I will definitively still watch this weird anime!