Kokoro connect - 01

At first I didn't even bother to look at this, but I want to follow the new animes
and look whats good and bad so. This was odd tho, dunno how to say it but.. 
it was a shool-life, weird and slow anime, but it was kinda interresting in the end there..
It wasn't magic, it was something like...phenomenon-thing? That accidently happends to four of them. 

I fell for this cute one, Kiriyama-chan~~.. ♥
*Ugh* I didn't just now NOT hear an old 
mans pervert voice in my head...
 OH GOSH...!!
Be gone old mans pervert voice in my head!
Kiriyama reminds me somehow of Inoue-chan in the anime Bleach? 

I will definitively still watch this weird anime!


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